男性乳房畸形手术恢复| Donaldson整形外科-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网


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在你的男性乳房发育手术后会发生什么 & 除了 


男子女性型乳房 is a condition in which men have overdeveloped or enlarged breast tissue. 这可能是尴尬和不适的来源, 但它也可以通过简单的手术干预来澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网. Dr. 杰弗里·唐纳森是 男子女性型乳房手术 and is dedicated to providing his patients with the best possible results — from that first consultation to the actual procedure and through the recovery phase. 

Today, we’re answering some of the most frequently asked questions about 男性乳房畸形手术恢复 to help you understand what to expect after surgery before you make your decision. 


The average patient can return to work within a day or two after 男子女性型乳房手术, 但这取决于你的工作类型, 你的男性乳房“水平”和你的感觉. The patient should avoid lifting their arms for 5 – 7 days after surgery. Light physical activity — like taking out the trash or mowing the lawn — can usually be resumed within 2 weeks, but strenuous activity should be avoided for at least four to six weeks.

“I know it can be pretty tough to sit on the sidelines after your surgery but sticking to your plan is crucial to a smooth recovery and optimal results. 就像你不可能在一周内练出六块腹肌一样, 当你的身体完全恢复时,你必须要有耐心.”

-Dr. 杰弗里·唐纳森 


Most gynecomastia surgeries are performed using incisions that are well-hidden within the natural contours of the breast, 所以疤痕通常很小,但却是永久性的. 在某些情况下, 切口可能位于乳晕周围, 这通常愈合得很好,疤痕很少. Your plastic surgeon will discuss the location of your incisions with you and explain the best options for optimal scar management.


Dr. Donaldson discussing 男性乳房畸形手术恢复 preparation with a patient

A few factors can slow down the recovery process after 男子女性型乳房手术. 这些包括:

  • Smoking, which can slow down healing and increase the risk of complications
  • Obesity, which can put more pressure on the chest and slow down healing
  • 营养不良,会影响身体的自愈能力
  • 慢性疾病, 比如糖尿病或心脏病, which can slow down healing and increase the risk of complications
  • Certain medications have been proven to increase the risk of bleeding
  • 没有穿术后压缩背心


  • 避免吸烟和饮酒
  • 吃高蛋白食物
  • 小心你的伤口
  • 任何时候都要保持水分
  • 尽可能穿著所提供的压缩服
  • 保证充足的睡眠(没关系——你的身体需要睡眠)
  • Put a pillow in the “small” of the back while sleeping for greater comfort & 整晚的稳定
  • 每隔一段时间站起来走动走动

What Should I Have at Home While Recovering From 男子女性型乳房 Surgery?

It is important to be prepared for your recovery period so that you can focus on healing. You want this to be a laid-back time so you can get back to normal life faster!

Here are some items you should have at home after your 男子女性型乳房手术:

  • Loose, comfortable clothing that can be easily removed for incision checks
  • 你的外科医生开的止痛药
  • 冰袋可以帮助消肿
  • 枕头支持你的胸部和手臂的运动
  • A sleep positioner to help you maintain a comfortable position while sleeping (optional)



The 男子女性型乳房手术 compression vest is vital to reducing the amount of swelling after your surgery and allowing the skin to sculpt to the newer, 表面平整,无流体积聚. 压缩服应该是紧身的, but also not too tight to avoid any skin irritation or unnecessary discomfort. 应该尽可能多戴6周. 如果你在头几周后对背心有问题, we can have you switch to an Under Armour shirt or something similar — so long as we can get 6 full weeks of compression.

穿宽松一点很重要, comfortable clothing during the recovery period in addition to your compression vest.


You will likely notice some initial improvements but the full results from 男子女性型乳房手术 typically become visible within 2 -3 months after the procedure. 记住这一点很重要 每个澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台的康复过程都是不同的看到全部结果的时间可能会有所不同. 一般, 肿胀消退大约需要6到12周, 让胸腔形成最终形状.

Some residual swelling can persist for several months and the final results — in some rare cases — may not be fully apparent for up to a year after the procedure. Higher grades of gynecomastia removal can also see longer recovery periods.



在唐纳森整形外科,整形专家 Dr. 杰弗里·唐纳森 采取全面的方法来照顾澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台, putting an emphasis on ensuring a smooth and comfortable recovery for every patient. 他表演过 数百例成功的男性乳房发育手术 在他的任期内. He continues to perfect his surgical technique and educate patients everywhere about various facets of this life-changing procedure. 

